Season of Light
Marsh with Clouds and Egret | Mark Lindsay
The gentle ebb and flow of seasonal light is jarringly interrupted with the change from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time. Everyone seems cranky on the Sunday of the change. Yet, some people proclaim enthusiasm for the illusory, extra hour of light. I am not one of those people. I prefer the natural flow of light and dark, watching how my body and psyche slowly awaken to spring and then fall off to hibernation in winter.
No matter how much politicians and their rules muck up the natural cycles of the sun, the change of seasons is now, naturally, upon us. The other day I was in the Corte Madera Marsh with my camera. The weather had just broken after two weeks of rain. The day shimmered with light that bounced off the monster-puffball clouds. Birds were feasting off newly-churned-up tasty delights. Mother Earth yawned and stirred, waking up from winter's slumber. Like the migratory birds that are on the way from here-to-there or there-to-here, the sun is making its move. It's come back from its season in the Southern Hemisphere.
The amazing natural stirrings of our planet make me wonder why people insist on intervening. "Let's change it!" seems to be the credo of a large segment of our population. Politicians get all puffed-up (like monster-puffball-clouds) whenever they interject their egos into the natural world. Does making everyone get up an hour earlier or later feed political ego? Making people cranky certainly comes naturally to most politicos.
No matter what we do, the being of the planet overshadows it. The seasons cannot be regulated, the weather will not be controlled, the birds will come and go as they please—Daylight Saving Time or not.